


Apr 07, 2024


轉發自:第25卷 第3期 蘇州市職業大學學報 Vol.25,No.3

2014年9月 Journal of Suzhou Vocational University Sep. ,2014

作者:談正光1,陳 偉2,張 雨2

(1.無錫鵬德汽車配件有限公司 工程技術部,江蘇 宜興 214211; 2.南京工程學院 汽車與軌道交通學院,江蘇 南京 211167)

摘 要: 利用有限元方法模擬精沖工藝的過程,用處理后的模擬結果分析精沖工藝參數對精沖成形件質量的影響.分析精沖工藝過程的基本原理及力學特性;結合精沖工藝的技術關鍵,建立變形區靜水壓應力狀態方程,利用Abaqus有限元分析軟件,針對汽車排氣系統不銹鋼厚法蘭件,建立有限元網格力學模型,并模擬整個精沖過程;通過提取并計算精沖過程中10個行程步上靜水壓應力的均值,衡量不同參數對精沖質量的影響.分析結果得出:以不銹鋼厚法蘭精沖工藝中模具間隙為參數變量,當模具間隙為0.3 mm時,精沖質量較好.

關鍵詞: 精沖;有限元模擬;靜水壓應力

中圖分類號:T G38;O242.21 文獻標志碼:A 文章編號:1008- 5475(2014)03- 0039- 05

The Finite Element Analysis of Ring Gear Gag Fine-blanking Based on Abaqus

TAN Zheng-guang1,CHEN Wei2,ZHANG Yu2

(1.Center of Engineering Technology,Wuxi Pengde Vehicle Parts Co.,LTD.,Yixing 214211,China

2. School of Automotive and Rail Transit,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China)

Abstract:The finite element method is introduced to simulate the process of fine blanking,then the simulation result to analyze the infl uence of the fi ne blanking process parametres on the quality of fi ne blanking forming parts. Firstly,the basic principle and the mechanical properties of fi ne blanking process are analyzed. Secondly,the fi nite element mesh mechanics model is set up for the thick stainless steel fl ange of the automobile exhaust system by combining the key technologies of fi ne blanking process,and using the abaqus fi nite element analysis software. Finally,the mean values of hydrostatic stress in 10 steps of the whole fi ne blanking process are extracted and calculated after the whole process of fi ne blanking is simulated to evaluate the infl uence of different parameters. The die clearance of fi ne blanking process is considered to be a variable. When the die clearance is

0.3mm,the quality is better.

Key words:fi ne-blanking;fi nite element simulation;hydrostatic stress



收稿日期:2014- 06- 02;修回日期:2014- 06- 28 基金項目: 宜興市科技成果產業化項目(20130422065315);無錫鵬德汽車配件有限公司產學研合作項目(PD20130202) 作者簡介: 談正光(1969- ),男,江蘇宜興人,工程師,主要從事鋼板沖壓件及拉伸件精密成型技術研究.

第25卷 蘇州市職業大學學報

